Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Our Little New Beginning

Your daddy surprised Mommy with beautiful white roses today with a note that said, "Congratulations on baby 2.0, Love Michael."  He picked out the white ones especially for you because they symbolize purity, innocence and new beginnings.  That's you, our little new beginning. 

By the way, I'm not sure exactly how it started, but your current nickname is "2.0" since you're our second beautiful Messmer baby.  :o)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Positively Perfect

On my grocery list today: green onions, cereal, milk, bread, pregnancy test.  You've been giving me little hints all month long that you're in there, so I decided I'd better find out for sure.  At 2:22pm on Wednesday, August 22nd, I took a pregnancy test and the plus sign showed up almost immediately.  You are on the way!

I spent the rest of the afternoon running around all over town looking for a "Big Sister" shirt for Ellie to wear to surprise your daddy, but to no avail.  So instead, we went home with prenatal vitamins.

As soon as Daddy got home, we (Ellie and I) followed him into the closet and showed him what we bought.  His face turned from quizzical to excited in a matter of seconds.  We are going to be a family of four, positively perfect!