Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Fa la la, la la la, la la la!

The celebrations aren't over yet!  We visited Great Aunt Mart and Uncle Rog's house to see the Briggs side of the family.  Your G.G. definitely had her hands full with your sister and her second cousins.  What's she going to do when you come along?
 The three second cousins got along very well.  I can't wait to see you jumping in there with them too.  Just think, this time next year you'll be part of the pack!  Hopefully they won't run you over since you won't be walking quite yet.
Everyone is very excited to meet you, Little 2.0.  This picture of the cousins and kids will have a new addition next!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Very Merry Christmas

You have officially survived your first Messmer Christmas from the safe confines of Mommy's belly.  You couldn't actually see all of the craziness that went on at the Messmer household this year, but I know you could hear it!  There were 11 adults, 4 kids, and 3 dogs running around dodging presents, and cookies and treats popped up everywhere you looked.  I think you were the reason Mommy was craving so many cookies...maybe.
The tradition of matching Christmas pajamas continued, much to the dislike of your daddy.  Thanks to you, Mommy barely fit into hers!  That's okay though, I'm proud of my baby belly with you inside.
We tried to get a picture of all of the cousins, including you, but somehow cousin Ari never made it into the picture.  It was hard to get everybody still enough to snap any shots at all!
 It was a great family Christmas, and you weren't forgotten either!  There are a few presents waiting here for you when you come out.  In the mean time, know that we love you very much and can't wait to share next Christmas with you!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Big Man in Red

 We went to the Santa House in Midland, Michigan today to visit Santa Claus!  You couldn't speak for yourself, but I told Santa that you wanted lots of rest for Mommy this Christmas, so that you could have plenty of energy and time to grow.  I'm sure that's what you would have told him if you could.  
Your sister wasn't too sure about him yet, but he took a picture with the two of you anyway.  Next year hopefully both of you will be sitting on his lap with smiles on your faces.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Daddy's First Little Kick!

Daddy was excited to go out with Mommy to see The Hobbit tonight, but I think the highlight of the evening was when he felt your little kick for the first time!  In the middle of the movie you started to move around a lot, so I grabbed Daddy's hand and put it on my belly where I was feeling you the most.  It didn't take long for his face to light up with delight as your little fist (or foot) hit his hand!  The rest of the movie was pretty good, but that was definitely our favorite part.  :o)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Half-Way Point!

We have reached 20 weeks, the half-way point!    You, Ellie and I were actually in Austin, Texas today to celebrate Jacob and Raquel Skrobarczyk's wedding this weekend.  The background of the photo is looking out of the hotel room window onto the city of Austin.  Hopefully next time we come down to Texas, you'll be able to meet all of your relatives in person (or at least most of them...there are a lot!).
 Thanks for taking the picture Rese!

Monday, December 3, 2012

It's a...

We got to see you bouncing around inside Mommy today.  And the ultrasound technician gave us the exciting news: you're a girl!  Ellie is going to have a little sister!  Mommy and Daddy couldn't be more excited to be parents to two beautiful girls.  We can't wait to meet you, but we'll settle for these pictures of you in the mean time.

 P.S.  Thank you for all of the moving your doing in there.  It lets Mommy know you're healthy and growing!

My Three Babies

 Just wanted to capture this moment.  Surrounded by love.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Your Christmas Card Debut

This year you made your debut on our family Christmas card!  It's one of the only pictures we have of you, but we wanted to share it with the world.  I can't wait until next year when you and your sister will both be smiling for the camera!

Photo Card
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Go Irish!

 Mommy is cooking you in her belly during a very exciting football season for Notre Dame!  Your Daddy and I went to the last home game of the season, so of were there too.  Ellie got to spend the day with Ga while we cheered for the Irish.
 It was a very special game because it was senior day, and Manti Teo's last home game with the Fighting Irish (along with many of the other senior players).

They are now 11-0 and have one more game to win in order to remain undefeated for the season and will hopefully be headed to the National Championship in January.  You can't cheer out loud yet, but I'm sure you'll be rooting for them on January 7th with plenty of kicks and punches inside Mommy.  :o)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

16 Weeks = 4 Months!

Can you believe it's already been four months?  Your mommy cannot believe it.  Time is flying by, and you are growing quickly.  I'm now at the stage where complete strangers are congratulating me (which means, I think it's obvious that you're in there!).  I even got a special seat at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at Notre Dame because of you. 
You are really starting to kick around in there.  I am starting to be able to feel your little movements much more often.  I'm waiting for the day when I'm holding Ellie and she looks at me wondering what's going on in Mommy's belly.  It's you!  Trying to play already.  :o)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Your First Pictures

Today you gave us a little bit of a scare hiding from the nurse so she couldn't find your heartbeat.  The good news, though, is that it gave us an excuse to see you on the ultrasound!  The ultrasound technician found you immediately.  You were moving around, having a good old time in there.  While you were twisting and turning, she managed to capture a few shots of you:
She caught you staring straight at us!  You look a little like an alien right now, but I can't wait to look back at you, into those eyes of yours.
Here is a picture of your profile.  I love being able to see that little nose and mouth, and that tiny limb at the top!
I thought it was funny that she captured your feet too.  It'll be too soon that you're using those to run around to catch up with your big sister. 

Next time we go to the doctor's office we'll be finding out whether your a girl or a boy.  Maybe then you won't be called Brister anymore...I can't make any promises though!  We love learning all about you little one.  Keep growing safe in there.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

First Flutters

Despite my upset stomach and not being able to eat much, I think you're doing pretty well in there.  I felt you for the first time!  Obviously it wasn't anything anyone else could feel on the outside, but I'm definitely feeling you jump around in there, and I love it!  The only way I can think to describe the feeling is: incredible.  It's like you're letting me know that you're doing well and having fun in there.  I can't wait until your daddy can share the feeling.  Keep growing in there little Brister!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sharing the News, Take Two!

Your Grandma and Grandpa came to celebrate your big sister's birthday and we sprung the news on them the same way we did for Nonna and Ga, with Ellie's special shirt.  We had to do it almost immediately since Grandma already noticed your little bulge in Mommy's belly, and it was hard to hide the fact that you're making it very difficult to keep food down.   They got the message right away and are just as excited to welcome you as grandbaby number two! 

Once all the grandparents knew, we shared with your aunts and uncles and other family via Skype and the phone.  The most common responses were those of surprise, happiness, excitement and voices in pitches that were hard to discern as words.  Needless to say, everyone is excited to welcome you into the world, 2.0!

Monday, October 1, 2012


We had our first doctor's appointment today.  Mommy, Daddy and Ellie waited patiently while the nurse searched for your heartbeat.  It was a little scary at first because it took so long, but Daddy explained later that the nurse was searching too high on Mommy's tummy.  Once she found you, though, there was no mistaking it.  Your heartbeat was fast and strong!

Daddy was telling Ellie that the heartbeat was you, her little brother or sister.  Since we're not sure which one you are yet, he was having trouble deciding what to call you.  As we listened to your beautiful heart beating he came up with a new name for you: Brister!  Mommy started laughing immediately, which scared the nurse because it made such a loud sound on the sonogram.  Oops!  We all had a good laugh about that.

The room was filled with smiles and happiness.  You are healthy and growing little Brister!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sharing the News, Take One

Even though your big sister doesn't quite understand what's going on, she was the one that broke the news to your Nonna and Ga.  Your daddy proudly showed his parents the "Big Sister" T-shirt that Ellie was wearing in your honor.  There was screaming, laughing, hitting, hugging and congratulating that followed.  Your Nonna and Ga are excited to welcome you as their fifth grandchild!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Morning, Afternoon & Evening Sickness

Well, I was really hoping to avoid "morning" sickness this time around, but alas, it has arrived.  Thank goodness for Zofran or you would not be getting any nutrition at all!  I keep telling myself that it's a good sign that you're growing strong in there; that is what's keeping me going.  I can handle all of this and more if it means that you're healthy and safe in there.  I do hope that it goes away sooner than last time though...I'm beginning to get lost in all that needs to be done since I'm spending all of my "free time" sleeping.

I have to say a not-quite heartfelt thank you to your grandma for this.  I hear that morning sickness is somewhat hereditary and she got it with each of her pregnancies.  Looks like I have a lot to look forward to...most of all you in 33 weeks!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Our Little New Beginning

Your daddy surprised Mommy with beautiful white roses today with a note that said, "Congratulations on baby 2.0, Love Michael."  He picked out the white ones especially for you because they symbolize purity, innocence and new beginnings.  That's you, our little new beginning. 

By the way, I'm not sure exactly how it started, but your current nickname is "2.0" since you're our second beautiful Messmer baby.  :o)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Positively Perfect

On my grocery list today: green onions, cereal, milk, bread, pregnancy test.  You've been giving me little hints all month long that you're in there, so I decided I'd better find out for sure.  At 2:22pm on Wednesday, August 22nd, I took a pregnancy test and the plus sign showed up almost immediately.  You are on the way!

I spent the rest of the afternoon running around all over town looking for a "Big Sister" shirt for Ellie to wear to surprise your daddy, but to no avail.  So instead, we went home with prenatal vitamins.

As soon as Daddy got home, we (Ellie and I) followed him into the closet and showed him what we bought.  His face turned from quizzical to excited in a matter of seconds.  We are going to be a family of four, positively perfect!