Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tummy Time & Other Fun

Unlike your sister, you seem to really enjoy your tummy time!  Maybe it's because Mommy actually knows what she's doing this time around.
There are lots of colorful toys and music to keep you interested.

And you love looking at that beautiful baby in the mirror.  I think that's your favorite part.  You're getting close to rolling from your tummy to your back by yourself, although you haven't mastered it yet.  I know once those neck muscles are strong enough you'll be going back and forth all the time to try to keep up with your big sister.
You're working hard when you're on your back too.  Just look at you going for those rings!  Of course, you often have to share your toys with Ellie's "baby" too.  Thank goodness you're not too possessive of them.  You're such a good little sister!
Keep working those muscles and coordination skills, little Charlotte, and you'll be running circles around the basement in no time!

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