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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Four Great Grandkids and a Wedding

We finally got a Briggs family picture (unfortunately without Daddy) at the reception after Jordan and David's wedding this weekend.  It was a beautiful wedding filled with friends and family, all of whom loved you!
I think you had fun being passed from arm to arm.  I wish I'd have gotten pictures of everyone you said hello to!  They all had smiles on their faces, because that's what you do, you spread smiles wherever you go, Charlotte.  :o)
You also met your second cousins.  You wanted to run around with them, I could see it in your eyes.  At least next time you see them you won't be the youngest great grandchild (congrats to Lauren and Scott expecting number two!).  With all of the energy and laughter in this group, we'd better watch out...I see lots of mischief in the future!

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