Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, August 9, 2013

Your Name

Your beautiful name, Charlotte Josephine Messmer, was chosen very carefully for you by your daddy and I.  We chose your first name, Charlotte, after your Great Nana (Nonna's Mama): Charlotte Beatrice Piciulo.  Your middle name, Josephine, was chosen after your Great Bomaw (Grandma's Mama): Josephine Blaschke Brezina.
The name Charlotte is French, from the name Charles.  It means "a small, strong woman," which you are already proving  yourself to be!  Josephine is Hebrew, from the name Joseph (your Great Grandpa Messmer's name too!).  It means "God will add," also appropriate for you.  :o)

You've been here for just over three months and have already had lots of people calling you all sorts of names:
  • Charlie Jo
  • C.J.
  • Baby Baluga
  • Buddha Baby
  • Chunk-a-tunk
  • Charlie
  • Charly (with a "Sh" sound)
  • Charly Belle (with a "Sh" sound)
Your daddy and I have tried them all out on you, but none of them seem quite right yet.  You are our little Charlotte, and for now, you are going to stay that way - no nicknames, just Charlotte.  :o)

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