Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, August 23, 2013

Briggs Brood Meets at the Cottage

It was a LONG trip in the car, but we finally made it up to Grandma and Grandpa's cottage in Michigan.  You loved all of the attention you got from your aunt, uncles and of course Grandma and Grandpa too.  Mommy hardly got to hold you at all!
You finally met your Uncle Nate, and you looked very happy in his hands.  He promised to Skype more often; I think you were glad to hear that (me too!).

Your godparents loved all of the time they got to spend with you.  Uncle Luke had his hair grown out pretty long, but you didn't have any problem recognizing him once you got into his arms.  Aunt Dayna was a natural too!  She loved taking care of you whenever she got the chance.
You missed out on playing in the sand pile and swimming in the lake this time, but  I know you'll be up for it next year!

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