Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 25, 2013

7 Months and Counting

You spent most of your 7-month birthday in the car on the way up to Nonna and Ga's house for Thanksgiving.  You definitely let us know when you got sick of it, but over all, you're a great little traveler!  Here's you when we arrived...I think you were just happy to be able to roll around.  :o)
 You are now sitting on your own without support (although I still put a blanket behind you just in case).  You don't say much yet, but when you do make noise it's nice and loud!  You have the most beautiful gummy smile with not a tooth in sight, but you're drooling and chewing non-stop on anything you can get your hands on.  It is obvious that you love life already and you laugh every chance you get.  It is amazing to watch you become your own little person!

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