Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Your First Thanksgiving

Even though you weren't able to enjoy the amazing food on this special holiday, you definitely enjoyed the family!  Everyone loved playing with you.  Your second cousins, Lauren and Natalie had so much fun taking care of you, and Mommy appreciated their help!
This Thanksgiving trip was an eye-opener for you, I think, Charlotte.  You were so fascinated with all of the noise and chaos going on around you.  You wanted to jump right in and be a part of it.  You loved watching the three crazy dogs run all around the house.  You even took a head-butt from your cousin in stride!  Oh just wait until you start talking...I have a feeling you're going to steal the show.  You'll have plenty of competition though!

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