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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Caching In

Mommy and Daddy have just started a new hobby that we hope to continue to do as a family: geocaching.  We started out with a few quick park and grabs near our house, but this weekend we decided to take you and your sister to the Governor's Mansion trails in MacLennan Park to look for a cache. 
With you strapped to the front of Mommy, and Ellie on Daddy's back, we took off in search of "Walnuts or Cache Youse???" (the name of the geocache).
After quite a bit of bushwhacking off the beaten path, we located the container.  You found your first cache little Charlotte!  You seemed pretty excited, but then, you are always happy and bouncing.  I hope you like it though, I see a lot of fun family adventures in our future!

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