Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 11, 2014

First Steps!

Charlotte!  You've been taking single steps lately, but tonight you stepped it up to the next level (pun intended).  Of course you picked the craziest moment to show off too: your sister had just spiked a 104.3* temperature and Daddy was trying to check her throat when you stood up with that big grin on your face.  You took one step and I said, "Daddy, watch, Daddy, watch!  One...two...three...four!"  You took four steps in a row!  We were all so excited for you!  Even Ellie was clapping and saying, "Good job, Charlotte!"

It's been amazing to watch you practicing.  And you really have been making a conscious effort to work at it.  You can see the determination in your eyes as you stand and try to put one little foot in front of the other and then topple to the ground only to get up and start again.  Such tenacity!  It won't be long before you're off and running!
(We took this video a couple of days later.  You are so excited about your new moves!)

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