Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 27, 2014

A Beautiful Day for Some Geocaching!

It was a little cool, but with the bitterly cold winter we've been having, we took advantage of this sunny day and spent some much-needed time outside!  You love going anywhere with Mommy as long as you're strapped in the Moby. (Thanks again Aunt Melinda!)  Your sister led the way as our trio went out for a little hike to find a geocache and log our first ever "First To Find" (FTF)!  Can you tell who was most excited?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Look Who's Ten-Months-Old!

Can it really be that you are turning one in only two short months?  Oh how I want time to slow down so I can enjoy these beautiful baby moments with you for longer.
Ten months didn't exactly greet you very nicely this morning: you took a hard whack to the cheek trying to stand up next to the couch, and your loving sister (she tries to be...she just doesn't quite understand that you're balance is not as good as hers) knocked you over in the laundry room where you smacked your head on the tile floor...all before 8:00am!  I'm sure you'll agree with me when I say I'm ready for this head-bumping phase to be over.
You now have six teeth in your mouth: four on top and two on the bottom.  You love trying to join in the conversation using your tongue to make lots of fun sounds.  I think that's your new favorite thing to do.  You're a pro at crawling and are pulling up on anything that can hold you (and some things that can't).  Your newest achievement happened on Sunday - you stood on your own, without support for about 15 seconds!  Once again, Daddy witnessed it first and Mommy just caught the tail end of it.  I was able to catch you practicing again this morning though!
It still melts my heart to see how much you love Rockne, and I know that he feels the same way.  It was only five months ago that we weren't even sure he was still going to be around.  I'm so glad he is, and as you can are you!  You give him lots of "good boy" pats on the back and hugs, before he is transformed into your own personal play-gym.
You and your sister are a joy to watch too.  You LOVE getting her attention, and especially enjoy it when she copies the noises you make.  I think it frustrates you that you can't do everything she can, but it won't be long Charlotte!  Just take your time, don't grow up too fast.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Helpful Big Sister

Now that you've started eating regular food, you don't let Mommy feed you anymore.  For some reason, though, you'll eat for Eleanore.  
I'm not sure exactly what it is that she's saying to you while you're eating, but she repeats it every time.  :o)  What a good big sister you have!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Standing Here, Standing There...

Charlotte's standing everywhere!  I first caught you on the monitor standing in your crib.  Every time I went into your room, though, you were I finally snapped this shot.
 It didn't take you long to figure out how to do it anywhere you could find something to grab on to. 
Ellie likes showing you how it's done too.  I love how it makes you giggle to see your sister standing next to you.
Your favorite standing buddy, though, is Rockne.  You have a radar for finding him wherever he's lying, and he sits patiently while you use him as your own personal climbing apparatus. 
It won't be long before you're chasing him around the basement like your sister does.  We're so proud of you Charlotte!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Barany Dutz!

Your Great Bomaw was so happy to see the Czech tradition of her family being passed down to you and your sister!  Grandma can even remember her granny playing this game with her!  "Barany, barany, barany...dutz!"  Barany (also spelled berani) literally translates into English as "rams." I couldn't find the translation for "dutz," but I did find a similar sounding word: bouch which translates as "bang!"  Bomaw explained it as two rams butting heads. 
Ellie doesn't quite have the pronunciation exact...but she's got the concept down!